Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Is that Brad Pitt?

Ok, so I have a lot of time on my hands these days considering I only work from 3-9pm. Therefore, I might over blog the next couple of weeks. Rest assured that when I start my real job you guys will be held in suspense yearning for a look at Ronnie's latest blog.

True to my promise, after work last night I went to the store and got a bottle of Korea's finest Rice Wine. I'm telling you this stuff is a couple of steps below Baby Duck.Oh well, it only cost 3 bucks. I went back to my park and it was crazy. You think Hawrelak is great? It was close to 10pm at night and there were about 200 Korean kid splaying soccer, baseball, badminton, you name it. And the parents were all drinking and eating picnic style. It's all about the food and booze here. All of this in a park the size of 1/2 a city block.

So I was sitting on some steps taking pictures, drinking my fantastic wine, and thinking why doesn't anyone take notice of the one white face in this crowd? All of a sudden 3 little girls came up to talk to me. Once other kids saw that I wasn't going to eat them I was absolutely swarmed with kids. It was like being a movie star, except that.... well except that I have no discernable talents. Then, when I got back to my apartment, I opened my door at the same time as the lady beside me opened hers and her hand got caught between the two. She looked as if she was going to yell and then she looked up and saw that I was white and just smiled and bowed her head (everyone bows for EVERYTHING here). Does this mean that I am above the law here? Discuss!


Blogger iris said...

You were above the law here, so what would make it different in Korea??

8:36 AM

Blogger iris said...

You should allow anoynymous comments, then randoms can post too, without having a blog account. Just a thought.

8:37 AM

Blogger p said...

quit criticizing iris. ron can do what he wishes.

and don't you know that whitey can do whatever whitey wants? enjoy the rockstar status while it lasts because once you get back here, you're just another white guy.

11:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous comment

2:47 AM


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