Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Random Korean Night #3

Damn it's hot in Korea. It has been over 30 every day I've been here. I am not complaining though. I am merely trying to give you an insight into my need for a cold one during the day...and several cold ones at night.

Take last night for example. I have been desperately hinting to the part-time teacher I work with (also the only other white guy I've seen in Daegu) that I would care to go for a drink sometime. So last night he indulges me. Oh and this super tiny Korean teacher named Jamie comes along for the ride. We started off at a restaurant, the kind you have to take your shoes off to enter and you have to sit on the floor. If you can't find one of these in Korea, take two steps to the left and you will. Anyways, we're drinking SoJu and beer and eating. SoJu is a Korean's best friend, it is cheap and it tastes awful but it will get you drunk.

After the restaurant we went to a Hoff (like a beer Hoff in Germany). We get beer and SoJu and 3 more dishes. Notice a trend here? After a while we got really smart and started dropping SoJu shots into the beer. Good idea right? If by good you mean reckless, then yes. Jamie got soooo drunk (remember she is tiny) and Jerry and I started talking about what life is REALLY about. I can tell you there was some awesome drunk talk going on. At one point Jamie went to say something and I think her face froze for about 10 seconds. Everybody knows that really drunk blank stare.

So we drank until 2ish and then I sent them home in a cab while I threw on my Ipod and went for a stroll. I ran into this Korean dude that was stumbling all over the place. HOORAY, I found somebody else to drink with. We grabbed a couple of beers and went and sat in front of the store to drink them (perfectly acceptable here). Then along come 2 other dudes and they want in on the action. So I says, why not? We grab a couple few more beers and we drink until the first dude passes out. I say goodbye to my new friends and somehow fin my way home.

Whew! Thank you for joining us on Air Randomville. We hope you enjoyed the flight.

P.S. For those of you who have tried to leave a comment but cannot, I will fix that as soon as I can.

P.P.S. Iris and Paul, any ideas how I allow random comments?


Blogger p said...

first i'll comment on your adventures.

holy crap! korea sounds like so much fun! either that, or it's very depressing and everyone has to be drunk to enjoy themselves there.

i guess it's not completely different here in e-town. the other day this drunk guy tried to help my shop for groceries. weird.

no concerning you posting specifications. just go to your "settings" tab followed by clicking on "comments". there you will be able to make all the changes you need.

7:57 AM

Blogger iris said...

Whatever Shadi, just b/c I love Ron more than you! Ron, you are going to do great in Korea! All the randomness you have honed in Edmonton is going to come in handy in Korea! Who thought being friends with Jarod would eventually come in handy.

Hey, maybe we should make fun of Jarod via blogs. Then he can feel bad about himself when he reads mine and worse when he reads yours. I like this idea A LOT!!

8:24 AM


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