Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Enter the Johnnie

We all know that Canadians can drink. What might surprise you is that our friends the Koreans can give us a run for our money in that department. I went out for a drink last night with one of my adult students. His name? Bruce Lee! Yeah that's right I went out for a drink with the master himself.

We started off at Beer Kaiser, a kind of Western restaurant. Had some suasage and 2 pitchers of beer. Good start! Then we went to his favorite bar. I don't know the name of it because it was in Korean. I do know however why it is his favorite bar. There was a waitress there that looked like an angel. I'm talking love at first sight. Her name is Se Jin and she is by far the loveliest creature I have ever seen.

So Bruce and I decide after a couple of beers that we are going to get a bottle of Johnnie Walker. It sounded like a good idea at the time. We drank the whole bottle (a little less than a 26 oz.) and had some great drunk talk. He was acting as my interpreter to the waitresses the whole night, but I don't think he did a very good job as I went home alone and very drunk.

You think the night ends there don't you? I wish that it did. As I got out of the cab I noticed some people drinking not too far from my place. Being the good samaratin that I am, I went over to make sure that they weren't abusing alcohol. They insisted on sharing their stash with me on account of my good deed. I don't know what time we finished or even how many people there were, but suffised to say that Ronnie don''t feel so good today. I struggled to get to work for 3 o'clock. Did someone slam a door? No that's just my head.

As for Se Jin, Bruce Lee and I are going back to his favorite bar on Friday to see if we can't find another bottle of Johnnie!

Crouching Beaver Hidden Drunk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF.... You found the love of your life and partied with Bruce Lee on the SAME night?!

You best buy a lottery ticket....


10:34 PM


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