Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Arrigagto (Part Deux)

After downloading my pictures to my flicker site, I realized that I almost skipped the most interesting part of my trip to Japan. As we were inside the Korean Consulate, three big Japanese Army Vans slowly strolled down the street and one of the officers was yelling through a bull horn at us in Japanese. I went outside to take pictures like a good westerner should and a woman came running and screaming towards me telling me to run inside. Of course nothing happened, but between you and me, I'm pretty sure I'm the bravest person I know. Apparently, tensions between Japan and Korea have been extra volatile since the Japanese President's trip to the War Memorial.

So we made friends with a couple from Halifax, a dude from Cape Breton, a dude from the States, and a fellow Albertan from Medicine Hat. We started off the night at 6:30pm when we decided to find a good sushi restaurant. We walked forever before we found a nice little place that had a comfy little booth upstairs. We obviously coulkdn't read the menu so we used the point and order method. We had 3 medium sized platters of sushi and 3 bottles of Sakki between 6 of us. The Sakki was awesome, but the sushi was a bit disappointing except for the Eel which was probably the best piece of sushi I've ever had.

After the restaurant we went back to the hotel to meet another foreigner. While I was there I asked one of the Front desk girls named Yuki to come and meet us after she was done work. We went down the street to this Jazz bar and sat down to some of the best service I've ever received. First of all our bartender had one sweet-ass porno m,oustache and he was wearing a Hawaiin shirt. I'm sure he was related to Tom Selleck somehow. Second of all, we drank scotch and Sakki out of Texas Mickey sized bottles and he left the bottles in front of us to pour our own drinks. I should also mention that we were pouring him drinks too (it was the least we could do).

Around 10ish guess who shows up; Yuki the girl from the hotel. At this point I've alread had more game with Japanese girls than I've had with Korean girls. After imbibing copious amounts of livations (getting drunk)at the Jazz bar, we went to a club for more drinks and dancing. Long story short; drinks, drinks, darts, and a walk through the pouring rain to the train station to say goodbye to Yuki. Afterwards, stumblking through the streets of Osaka whispering sweet nothings into the ears of so many beautiful Japanese ladies.

Next Day: Hangover city and I'm the mayor. We're talking full blown life-hating hangover. The good news was we had to check out of the hotel at 10 am and our flight back home was at 5:30pm. I got to walk around 127% Humidity Osaka weather carrying my backpack. Good news is I got a lot of really cool pics. You can check them out on my flicker site at Gotta go, still hungover.


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