Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

More Ronnie To Come

So it seems you like me... you really like me!

Therefore, I've decided to give you a sneak preview of upcoming events before the scheduled release date.

Item #1: Yes I will be getting a phone number here in Korea. The guy that I am taking over for is giving me his cell phone effective September 1st. As the number is back home in Cheonan I do not have it handy. I will release said number when the moon is full and the air is thick.

Item #2: Apparently people want to send me stuff here in Korea. Da Da DatDatDatDat Da Da DatDatDatDat DaDa DatDatDatDat Da (my happy song). I do have one of these so called "mailing addresses", but again it is at home in Cheonan. I will release this "mailing address" when the crows come to pass and the enemy is nigh.

Item #3: I will be setting up a flicker site where I will post my Korea pictures for you all to see and be insanely jealous of me. This item is dependent on me getting internet hooked up at my apartment where I will then use this "connection" to download the pictures directly from my laptop.

Item #4: Many people tell me they view this blog on a regular basis, yet only a select few are bold enough to retort these blogs with what can only be described as unintelligible garble. Come on people, we need more of this garble if we're going to make FAB Magazine's "Top Ten Blogs of 2006". It's up to you now!

Item #5: I'm pretty sure I am the coolest guy I know! Discuss!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

" unintelligible garble". I am offended. I do my best to my garble intelligible. (Hmm.. maybe you're talking about Shadi)

I don't know if you're the coolest guy... that sax playing guy in the wheelchair on Whyte Ave. has a pretty big fan base, he might give you a run for your money.

How about this, you're the coolest white guy I know in Korea. Counts for something, right?

Miss you!


4:23 PM

Blogger iris said...

You know, you start a blog and everyone follows! What can I say, does that make me the coolest girl?

Please send me all the info. I cannot wait to fill your Korean mailbox full with North Korean propaganda, let's see how long you last then!

4:05 PM

Blogger p said...

while i've enjoyed reading this post over and over, let's have something new!

5:29 PM


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