Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Just another White Dude

Before I came to Korea I was told by many of my "worldly" friends that I would be a very hot commodity in South Korea and that all of the Korean women would swoon at my feet with hopes of coming back to Canada with me. Well, I am here to dismiss that notion in anyone's mind who thinks that I am scoring nightly with hot Korean women. I'm not!

Now there could be various reasons for such a lack of Korean female adoration slung my way. I have already dismissed the possibility that I am hugely unattractive to the opposite sex. I reviewed my past sex life and although it is not what you'd call legendary, I wasn't unsuccessful with the ladies. There must be another reason why I've been delivered this blow to my ego. Could it be that I have not been completely single for many years and that has caused my libido to be about as effective at scoring as the Oakland Raiders (sorry Iris but it's true)? Could be but I never forgot how to dance and the last time I checked, ladies are supposed to like it when a guy can dance.

Take Saturday night for example. I went out to an awesome club with some other foreigners and I go up to this good looking Korean girl. She speaks English; SCORE! We talk, we dance, she comes and dances with my friends and we exchange a little grindage. Back home that alone at least gets me a phone number. Then all of a sudden she disappears. No big deal, more time to chat with friends. I go for a little dance and I'm moving through the crowd and she's way off in the distance dancing by herself. So I go up and start talking to her again and she just walks away. I could understand if I was being a pervert but I totally wasn't. The only other possibility is that it's not me but it is them. I've been told that most Korean girls are as conservative as an Albertan farmer. Ok bad analogy but I had to throw a little something in for my peeps back home. What this means is that Korean girls will not just go home with a dude. Fine by me but how about a dance and a chat?

To add to my dismay is the fact that there are no and I mean NO good looking foreign girls in my city of 60-80 foreign teachers. I know at least 25 of the 40 or so female teachers and there is only 1 I've met so far that is good looking and she smokes like 50 packs of smokes a day. This coupled with my lack of success finding a Korean girl that both understands what I am saying to her and isn't repulsed by me has this guy feeling pretty sorry for himself. I didn't choose this celibate life, it was merely thrust upon me. Oh well, I guess I could always read a book.

Mr. Lonely


Blogger iris said...

OUCH! The Raiders comment hurt! JERK!!

Since when have you been able to dance? The Chicken Dance doesn't count. And as for Korean girls being conservative, don't you remember chunk being dry humped on the stairs of O'Byrnes by some Ukranian dude?

Are things going to be weird now?

10:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Ron, I don't think I have ever thought of you as a "dancer" as such. More of sweaty gyrating than anything...

10:57 AM

Blogger iris said...

Shadi definitely can't resist your chicken dance. I have seen him when you do it and let me tell ya ... I wish I got that kind of reaction from boys.

12:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

would you like to date female basketball players...

4:35 AM

Blogger p said...


now i want to kill myself.

oh hey, why have i not recieved a link to view your korea pics?

2:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading this last post, I just hope that none of the foreign female teachers will be reading it?! That might eliminate your chances with any of them, should you choose to go that route.

3:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ron!
It sounds like you're adjusting just fine!

In my defense - Jarod made me do it! In fact, he forced me to do it! Korean women are conservative -just not around Ukranians!


7:18 PM


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