Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Friday, September 15, 2006

You're the Best Around, and nothins ever gonna take you down.

That was the tune playing in my head when I finally won the Cheonan Massive Pool Tournament on Wednesday night. For those not familiar with this Karate Kid Soundtrack Epic, it is the anthem for the movie that depicts the story of an underdog who rises to glory with the help of the hard-ass heart-of-gold sensei. Although I am by no means an underdog and I didn't get any help from a bitter old Asian man, I would say that I am definitely a Macchio, Macchio Man.

I am writing this blog entry from work right now even though it is 10:30 pm and I got to work at 10am this morning. We are having an overnight camp at the school where I work and so I am pulling an obligatory 24 hour shift thank you very much. It was actually pretty cool because the other two teachers and I planned this whole ghost story that turned into a whole theme night and the kids are really digging it. They are getting ready for bed so I slipped away to write my blog. Call it a serious devotion to my blog fans.

I will post the pictures from my tournament celebration and from the theme night at Kid's College on my flicker site. I gotta go watch a Disney flick with the kiddies. Blog ya later,



Blogger iris said...

Fans? More like internet obsessed people with nothing better to google.

Joking, your blog has become my must read of the day. That and my celeb gossip sites. RBA, you are on the same level as Linds Lo! That is saying a lot!

3:08 PM

Blogger p said...


too good. i hope you finished it off with your crane stance.

6:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look eye!, always look eye!

Congrats on the long-awaited win.

9:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit. They let you hang out with kids overnight? I thought there was a stipulation against that in the civil suit.

How's John Michael Carr?

1:25 PM


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