Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Devil drinks Soju

There's a little green bottle in Korea that can be found at every corner store in the country. The contents of said bottle can only be described as "lethality". The locals call the liquid "Soju" and let me tell you; Koreans simply love the stuff! With good reason too, it is cheap (a buck a bottle) and it'll get you drunk. Oh, there is just one or two problems with the elixir. The first problem that one might encounter when imbibing Soju is its good to suck ratio. If one enjoys driniking gasoline, then I assume one would truly enjoy the taste of Soju. I have described it as a "Retarded Vodka", but only because I am not sure what my ass tastes like and cannot therefore make that comparison. The second problem with Soju is that it has a nagging habit of giving you the worst hangover you've ever had in your life. I'm talking nasty nightmares, DADS (Day after drinking Shits), and the propensity to lay in one's bed until nightfall the next day.

So why am I telling you this. Simply put, I got my ass kicked by the Soju on Friday night after poker. A bunch of us decided to go hit the Norey-Bang (Karaoke) after poker and we dipped into the soju at about 2:30 in the morning. Long story short, we stayed up until 8 in the morning talking about god-knows-what. I didn't wake up until 5pm and still I was exhausted. My body hurt, my stomach hurt, my mind hurt, and I daresay my pride was a little hurt. I mean, this Soju guy literally beat me down like a red-headed stepchild. Ok you won this round Soju, but next time I'll be wiser, a more seasoned veteran, and I will have done my homework on your signature moves.

I guess the main bullet point of this presentation is this: if you come to Korea and you think that 1 dollar for a bottle of booze is a good deal, remember that unless you want to flirt with death you should probably stay away from anything that comes in a green botle.

Soju 1 Roonnie 0


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie... A bottle of Lysol costs the same, with the same results. Remember to try and reserve some of your brain cells for life after Korea.

9:35 AM

Blogger iris said...

Wait a second ... when did you start drinking? I will remember to pray for your lost soul on Sunday.

3:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soju tastes like water (common Ronnie it's only 20%)... It's like half the alcohol of Vodka... You've gotten weak Ronnie!!!

5:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.......I have to laugh. I taught in Korea last year and I spent a night out with the devil Soju. It was Canada day, a reason to celebrate I thought. Let's just say that taking the express bus back to Bundang at 6 am was not too much fun....good thing the windows opened. Worst hangover of my life.

3:18 PM


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