Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Letterman #2

Back by popular demand, here it is, the second installation of my Top Ten List. I will try and do one at least once a month on account of their pretty fun. This month's theme: Top Ten Things I Like About Korea.

10. The Landscape- There are mountains everywhere and everything is a lush green.

9. Cheap Food- A Korean meal with side dishes and a beer for 5 bucks, can't beat that!

8. My Apartment- It would be a decent sized apartment in Canada, this sucka's a beast by Korean standards. It also helps that it's a hop, skip, and a stumble away from my favorite bar.

7. My Students- Those little SOBs are really starting to grow on me. They are pretty cool and they make me laugh.

6. The Canadian Contigency- I have met so many cool foreigners since I've been here, but you can always pick a Canadian out of a bunch; they are usually the drunkest and loudest people in the place.

5. The Money- I don't make a ton, but I don't really have any expenses either so I am able to put a small dent in my Student Loans.

4. Busan- I love that place man. I'm going back as many times as possible.

3. The Local Weatherman Status- It's nice getting the Ron Burgundy treatment, even if the Koreans secretly hate me behind my back.

2. Freedom- When I'm not working, I do what I want when I want. If I want to sit around my apartment all day eating Kimchi off my chest and watching a Korean soft porn marathon, I don't feel guilty about it. I can drink on the bus, on the street, and even in a church. Okay, I not sure about that the last one, but I am sure if I did they would just think that it's natural for Canadians to drink in church.

1. Making All Of My Friends Back Home Jealous- It was also my number one reason for coming to Korea.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.


Blogger iris said...

I think I am the most jealous! Not only did I have a great life, making people jealous, but I have now been reduced to sitting here, reading about how to make and extra $800 or more a month.

3:56 PM


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