Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Blogs, Blogs, Blogs... Which are good, Which are bad?

Remember when having a CD player made you the coolest kid on the block? Remember when you were the first person in your school to have Reebok pumps or Air Jordans? Well, if you do, then you were probably a rich spoiled brat and noone really liked you! My point is that when you are a pioneer of some sort of new fashion or technological phenomenon, you feel like your life has somehow been validated. Well, Iris Dias, your life has just been validated!

You see, Iris was the first of my friends to have a blogspot in which to chronicle her day-to-day musings in the Big Apple. It made great sense; set up a diary on the world wide web so that all of your friends could share your experiences with you, without the hassle of you having to send out a trillion emails. It just made sense then that I would also set up a blogspot in which to chronicle my adventures here in Korea.

Since then many of my friends have read mine or blog of someone else's and have took it upon themselves to join the rank of people who spend more time chronicling their lives then actually living them. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that everyone back home can read my blog and share in my adventure. It's just that with every new blog that arises, I have to devote more time to reading all of my friends' blogs and writing in my own, and less time getting into enough trouble to contribute something bloggable. And sometimes I feel like I have to go out and do something crazy so that I can blog it so that I don't disappoint the people who devote their time to reading my blog. So much pressure.

So here is my promise to all of my fellow bloggers: I will only blog if it is interesting, thought provoking, or just plain funny stuff! In turn, if I log onto one of your blogspots to find you sharing the tale of how you lost one of your socks in the dryer (how cliche), then I will put you on a timeout.

P.S. I actually really like all of your blogspots. This is just a pre-emptive strike to everybody who wants to have a blogspot just because their buddy has one.

P.P.S. I promise that this will be my one and only anti-blogspot post.



Blogger iris said...

HAHAHA!!! That is hilarious! Holy weird coincidence batman!

I totally get what you mean by the feeling like you have to do something interesting. But the thing is, when you are off on the other side of the world, you are inherently doing something interesting.

PS. I would still find your laundry / sock stories interesting.

PPS. I am a total liar.

1:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a total rebel... no blogspot for this chica. I'm a 100% MySpace whore (where I incidently do have a blog).

And if I want to write cliche stories pertaining to my meandering socks, I wil Mr. Atcheson!!!

Miss ya.

11:51 AM


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