Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

1st Installment Daegu

There are really two parts to my trip to Daegu. There's the Bruce Lee saga and there's the Matt and Erin epic. I will begin my tale with the former.

So I meet up with Bruce at about 9:30 pm on Friday night. He picks me up from Daegu Station downtown. He's looking new and improved from the Bruce of old. Not only does he still look lethal, but now he looks dangerously spry as well. I might have made that last part up... Oh well, he's still Bruce-rip-your heart-out-of-your-chest-in-a-nanosecond Lee.

So he asks me where I want to go on this fine evening. I says I'm Baego Pah (Super hungry in Korean) and we're off to go have an adventure downtown. Oh, did I mention that we took off in the Korean version of an Escalade (I can't remember the model but it was a Hyundai). I felt like royalty and/or a gangsta driving around in this mutha.

So wepark the lowrider and we start walking around downtown to find a suitable eatery for 2 individuals of our calibre. No sooner than I was tlking about my respect for out-of-the-way Mom and Pop shops did Bruce spot just such an establishment. We headed in for a sample of their delicasies. We went for Sam Yap Sa (thick as back bacon that you rap in laeves wih a host of garnishes). It is a pesonal favourite of mine.We also ordered some Bec Seju (traditional Korean liquor). It is much tastier and cleaner than Soju.

The best part of the dinner was the fact that the owner kept wanting to touch my face and show me off to all the women in the restaurant (there were oly two and I'm guessing they were no younger than 50). He kept bringing us Servisuh (on the house) food and drink, and kept tellingme how handsome I was. # months in an I was still getting rock star status in Korea.

After dinner we decided to go shake our ass at a nightclub.We settled for a nice respectable joint called Monkey. You need know only two things about our time spent at Monkey;

1. Not only can Bruce Lee kick some ass, but the dude can dance like a Mofo.

2. I don't care for dancing with Korean girls.

Bruce and I tore that dance floor up and no matter how we approached the situation, as soon as we entered a 2 foot perimeter of a Korean girl and her friends, they would jet almost instantaneously. Now I had had this same experience a million times in Cheonan before, so I asked Bruce if this was th norm. He assured me that good Korean girls liketo pretend that they are getting down with you. but any time there's a possibility of human contact Korean girls get ultra shy. Imagine that, it's like a whole world of you can look but you can't touch. It was like dancing at a Junior high dance all over again. There were dudes dancing with dudues and girls dancing with girls, but hardly any mixing of the sexes in this godforsaken place.

We rolled out of the club at about 3:30 am and Bruce called for an extra driver. They actually send a dude to come and drive your car and because the company is so big, he just gets out wherever you are going and someone picks him up. We got back to Bruce's plce at about 4am and his parents were still up waiting for us (most Koreans live with their parents until they get married). I feltike we were pst curfew and his parents were going to give u shit. I passed out in the spare room unbeknownst to me that the next day would be one of my best ever.

But, more about that in the next installment of "Ronnie Goes Out For Korean".

Ronnie Out (for now)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out
for some entertaining stories of this weekend!

9:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're gonna hafta widen the door to get you back in the house, aren't we?

5:28 PM


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