Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Love the Lotte

As promised, I took a little trip down to Seoul with some girls from my work to see the amusement park mecca that they call Lotte World. Well let me tell you, it might just have been the best time I've had in Korea yet. I'm not sure how to narrarate my experience to you so that you might fully understand how awesome it was, so I'll just spew out some verbal diarrhea and hope it flies (bad visual). Alright, here goes...

We started the day off at the Express Bus terminal at 10ish (we were of course late for our bus and had to grab the next one). So we were off for our return to childhood at about 10:30am. It only took an hour to get to Seoul on the bus which is actually quicker than the train (less stops). We then took the subway from the bus terminal to Lotte World and we were on our way (time of arrival 12pm). Then here's what happened...

Mary, Jaime, Kelly, and I got the regular pass for $24 while Marcie got the special pass for $30 (what's the difference???). We made a bee-line through the inside of the theme park (more on that later), and we hit the outside for some E


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