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Monday, November 27, 2006

What is Going on Back Home?

Now, most of you know that I am not the most politically-minded individual, but I do try and keep up with what's going on back home. Does it concern any of my fellow Canadians that the House of Commons just passed a motion to recognize the Quebecois as "a nation within Canada"? In my opinion, albeit overseas and perhaps uninformed, this gives the Quebecers all the fuel they need to hold another referendum and eventually seperate from Canada.

Not only that, but I am very scared how our national image will be perceived by other powerful nations. Will we now be representing ourselves as a nation that will give into demands by any of our ethnic groups? I blame the fact that our minority governments have had a recent history of short-terms in office, corruption, and no real authority in the house. Again, I am no real political scientist, so I am open to any criticism or rebutals you may have.

I am just very sick and tired of Canadian politicians and media claiming that Canada's biggest national treasure is our ability to be a multicultural nation. I think it was a nice move on the government's part to give our Natives a nice chunk of ice up in the North near the Hudson, and they even let them name it Nunavut. Side note; can anyone actually tell me what that name means without looking it up on Wikipedia or google? Focus Ron...

I guess what I'm trying to get is where does it stop? How long until the Maritimers want to be recognized as "a nation within Canada"? Before you know it, we will be recognizing Little China in Edmonton as "a nation within Canada"! Quick everybody try and get a piece of the pie before it's gone. And I thought we had seen the last of imperialism in the West. Then again I am not a political genius, and I know that I have quite a few very politically-minded friends. If you think I am wrong, then tell me why and put my fears to bed.

Je m'appelle Frightened


Blogger Matt said...

Ronnie... Spoken like a true Albertian...

8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the risk of speaking the truth I wanted to comment on this topic. You see it's like this, the US has Mexico, a vast resource of cheap and available labour. Canada however is bordered only by a rich country to the south (being USA), where few, if none wish to cross the border illegally and earn an inferior currency while paying higher taxes. So the PC solution is one that is very clever. If Mexico can't be next door do the next best thing, bring Mexico to us, make Quebec a nation. It can be "Nouveau Mexico" or "Mexico Nord" or whatever.
Bam! there you go, now you have a country bordering ours that doesn't speak english, with an inferior economy, with folks just lining up to leave and we don't have to bother with giving them social assistance, work standards or ever have to call them canadians, in fact we can kick them out when we decide that our prejudices outweigh their usefullness.... or something.

Anyway I really have no idea what games they are up to, but I think the official stance is, "you are a nation and you are different from everyone else (PCs trying to appease the quebecers and getting more power in Que) then they are saying at the same time you are a part of Canada please don't go anywhere, ripping the country apart may be bad for the country.

So there is really no official stance and this gross example of fence sitting is exacxtly what needs to change if the country is ever going to speak with a unified and coherent voice.

I could go on, but I am at work...

2:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harper is letting Quebec think that he giving in to them but the bigger plan is to put up border guards and charge them tariffs to import goods from Canada. They will all need to get passports to enter Canada and the foreign exchange on their currency, which has nothing to back it up, will be astonomical. All industry will leave Quebec, yes, including Bombardier, and move to the east coast to bolster their economy. This means no more outlandish transfer payments by Ottawa to the "have not" provinces. The Canadian dollar will go up just for the sheer balls of getting rid of the rebels. Canada will save a fortune on Child Tax Credits. The down side is that maple syrup will costs $3000 a pint. Anyway they can be called a "nation" if they want. Harper meant a nation of whiners.

6:57 PM

Blogger p said...

i personally think that this is ridonculous.

and don't let people make you think that this is just a word and nothing more.
recognizing the québécois a nation within a united canada is no small feat. hell, most middle eastern countries refuse to even recognize israel a nation.
but that is a complete other topic.

to call the québécois a nation is ridiculous on so many levels.
first of all, they have not even defined what exactly is a québécois is or who they encompass. do anglos in montréal count as being québécois? what about other nationalities inside québec? this has never been clarified and will surely cause an issue.

next, how can you single out an ethnic group to place on higher standing than all other ethnicities? just wrong.

and then i suppose we should be looking @ establishing the nation of alberta within a united canada.

oh and i remind everyone that the election for premier is on saturday. go spend a fiver and become a member of the pc's and vote for our new premier.

i don't see anything good coming to us if morton wins.

4:12 PM

Blogger Ronnie A said...

Thanks to everyone who has reponded so far. Your words have given me a bit of perspective on what is going on with this situation.

P.S. I am no less worried.

10:01 PM

Blogger iris said...

Oh Ron, how you are able to tap into such a heated topic that even ro-ro with his GMC education pipes in is beyond me. Impressive, very very impressive.

I have no thoughts on the matter. I just find it endlessly humourous that the guy Alberta hoped would represent the West in Ottawa has gone and done the exact opposite of what the majority of the west wants. All this to keep his minority gov't strong with the Bloc. (at least for now)

What does this mean? NEVER trust a person from Calgary.

2:13 PM

Blogger My Escape Plan said...

He's using this issue to deflect from his corroding family values.

see link

I think the leather vest says it all.

And Iris stop using Ron as a vessel to pick on me.

4:00 PM

Blogger iris said...

Possibly the funniest pic I have EVER seen! I really did almost die laughing.

You know it is always surprising to me when people who live in rainbow painted glass houses throw stones. Jarod wore a similar outfit to a certain rodeo we found in Calgary.

6:24 PM

Blogger My Escape Plan said...

Again she wouldn't have said that if it wasn't on Ron's Blog. And besides everybody lives in a rainbow painted glass house, everybody does the renovations eventually

11:17 AM


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