Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Daegu Part 2

So I woke up at noon the next day at Casa Del Bruce Lee. I felt good and ready to kick Daegu's ass all over again. Bruce and I decided to go for a little stroll in West Daegu park, a little place just 15 minutes from his apartment. What he failed to tell me was that the park was also home to Daegu Tower. So we walkked through this really neat part of the park and I totaly felt back at home like I was walking throught the river valley. When we got to a clearing and I saw the tower, I knew it was on. So we walked through the amusement park at the base of the tower and eventually made our way to the bohemuth. Let me tell you kids, the CN Tower's got nothing on this bad boy. You could see all of Daegu (population 4 million) and the surrounding moutains. It was very serene and beautiful. We spent about an hour up there just enjoying this beautiful view of this most beautiful city. I'm sorry for you Bruce Lee enthusiasts because this is where the saga ends.

So I said goodbye to Bruce and made my way toward Daegu train station to go and meet up with Matt (my friend from Daegu) and Erin (my friend from Busan). Matt got there just a short time after me and we met up with his American friend Mark. Since we had no idea when Erin would arrive and since she has no cell phone, we decided the best idea would be to get some beers and get primed on the steps of Daegu Station. The looks from the Koreans ranged from those of pure admiration to those of pure disgust. Although we did have to old Korean dudes come andd hang with us for some time. Neither of them knew how to communicate anything other than "Beer Please" and "Cigarettes Please". They were pretty cool though, and totally took the heat off of our "No-respect-getting-drunk-on-some-damn-steps" asses.

So Erin rolls in around 8pm and we're off to go and get some chow. We decided to go for some $6 buffet action on account of we're starving. I ordered us some of my new found love (Bec Seju) and we pigged out on Korean delicacies.

We had decided to meet Mark at this place downtown called Old Skool (so named cause they drop some phat beats). We hung out there for a while and played some pool. I also made a cool new friend. It was this cool iguana that was like a mascot for this place. Probably because he had mad worm eating skills and you could take him out and carry him around the bar.

So we strolled out of there at... I lost track of time at this point. We wandered aimlessly for a while and ended up, guess where, Monkey...again. It was cool though. We got in for free on account of our rock-star status and for the next 2 or 3 hours we owned this place. I mean we were dancing on the stage on the bar, and pretty much did whatever we wanted. We weren't rude about it, but we definitely felt like Mick and the gang.

The four of us were able to wrangle together a posse of about 7 other peoiple to come to this Canadian bar called the Thunderbird. This place was a bit small, but was loaded with Canadians. It was the first time for me since I've been in Korea that if you told me I was in Korea I would have called you a liar. This part of the night was pretty blurry so in no particular order here is what I remember: Me and Matt getting schooled at Fuseball, pissing in the girls bathroom, having a talk with some uptight broad only because I was pretty sure she wanted to do me, and having a heart to heart with Moose (the owner of the Thunderbird). Oh, and Matt just happened to piss on some people. For more info on that check out his blog at

So we grabbed a giggly, giddy, drunk as hell cab ride back to Matt's place with high hopes of getting inot some more trouble. And let me tell you, it might have been 4 or 5 in the morning, but there was still a lot of livin g yet to come on this night kids. But that is a story for another time as I feel I've given you enough carrot for now.

If you would like a photographic summary of the events just described, you can check them out at

See you next time when we discuss Daegu Part 3.



Blogger iris said...

I like the way you think you KNOW what 'phat beats' are! Hello, mirror to Ron, you are white.

2:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you confused or do they have different signs on the bathroom doors over there?

5:42 PM


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