Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New look, Same old Blog

I have never been the type of person to be content with the mundanity of the status quo. Erego, I have decided to bring you a fresh outlook when perusing this testimonial. You see, I have grown tired of the predictability of the background of my Korean diary. Now I am not going to promise a dazzling array of templates so as to keep one guessing each and every time one decides to enter my verbal labrythin, but I experienced a desire to alter it today.

I think I have used up about 85% of my pretentious vocabulary so I will put it into plain terminology. I got bored and changed my background today. I know, it doesn't make for the most exciting blog entry...but I've really got nothing else at this point. I had a really tame week, so changing the background on my blogspot is one of the more exciting things I did this week.

I did however go to a professional women's basketball game last night. My Korean friend ,who I met through my friend Paul back home, is the interpreter for the American player on the team and she got me 12 free tickets for the game. I was only able to round up 6 friends to come and watch the game with me, but it was actually pretty fun. The other team had their own cheering sections and at times during the game it seemed that the fans were more interestded in the chants than in the actual game. Oh, and they had these 12 year-old girls dancing in these really skimpy outfits. It's good to see that koreans like sexually exploiting their teenage girls as much as we do. All in all it was good times.

P.S. I tried to put a picture on my profile, but couldn't figure it out. So Iwill start adding pictures to each blog that I can


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys were on TV (SBS sports)

5:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're getting really techie over there. Maybe you'll come home and show me a thing or two:)

5:12 PM

Blogger iris said...

Finally, Paul has proved himself good for something! I have been waiting for years to see some payback for keeping him around.

Oh, yeah ... damn you, now your blog is prettier than mine!

10:18 AM


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