Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 4 Thailand

By this point, Vanessa and I were ready to spend the day chillin on the beach. And that's exactly what we did. We went down to Patong Beach, which is really gorgeous, and we baked in the sun and swam in the blue-green water. How did we get there you ask? Well, we rented a motorbike (more like a moped) for the day and we rode that hog right down to the beach. If you can believe it, the ride only cost $7 from 1pm until 1pm the next day. Crazy Cheap!

So anyways, I don't know if I mentioned yet, but they drive on the left hand side of the road in Thailand and they drive like maniacs. When in Phuket do as the Phuketians do. So as you can probably already guess, I almost killed Vanessa and me a few times. Lanes are really just a suggestion if you are driving a bike in Thailand. There were a couple times where I tried to pass on the right and had to duck back into a lane to avoid an oncoming car. Mom, if you're reading this, I am sorry but it was fun as hell!

So we took the long way to the beach and grabbed us a nice spot about 10 feet away from the water. The day was gorgeous (about 27 degrees) and the sun was out in full force. At about 3pm the sun hid away for about an hour, so I decided to relive my youth and make a sand castle. I now know why I didn't go into architecture; my sand castle looked an awful lot like a squat-toilet and didn't so much resemble a castle of any sort.

After the beach we went for another cruise down the coast. Although it wasn't much to look at, that sucka could go about 80km on a straight-away. We had a little supper and then headed back to the hotel to change for what was supposed to be a chill night. The plan was to drive to the strip and park the beast and do a little shopping. Well, we found this cool little mexican place along the way and decided to stop for a cerveza or 6. It ended up being closer to the latter. We then got a brilliant idea to take our hog for a little spin along the coast. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was probably not the best idea I've ever had. Not because of the beer, we spread it out over a long time. The thing about Phuket is that there are a ton of hills.

So we had no actual idea where we were going, so we just kept going. The problem was that apparently vehicles require gas in order to get you places. Since we just kept driving, we were not paying attention to our fuel supply. We ended up running out of gas in a seemingly fairly dodgy area in Someplace, Phuket. I kid you not, the building across the street looked like a crack-house. To be honest though, we only had to wait about 5 minutes for someone to ask us if we needed him to drive and get us petrol. There was one catch though, he wanted a dollar in return...A WHOLE DOLLAR! I love third-world countries.

We got our petrol, drove around for about an hour until we found a landmark that we recognized, got to our hotel, and called it a night. The random adventure had given us our fix for the day. Day 5: Koh Phi PHi AKA Heaven On Earth


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I knew there was a reason I kept getting great feelings of dread for no apparent reason. I thought we talked about body amour at all times.

5:35 PM


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