Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Technical difficulties

I am sorry for the delay between blogs; I am obviously not a mental giant when it comes to computers. While trying to insert an entry about some cool things that have happened recently, my account told me that I have to create a google account to update my blog. Long story short, I couldn't figure out how to get to the bottom of the signup page on account of there was no scroll bar. That is until my coworker showed me the marvellous world of the TAB button.

So, what we are left with is a new and improved blogspot with all sorts of new functions, that I have no idea how to access. Therefore, I may go days and days without blogging due to my lack of desire to spend 5-10 minutes trying to access my posting page.

But since I'm in I think I will tell you about one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life! I was in Busan this weekend visiting my friend Erin, and we decided to go see the oldest fortress in Korea. When we got to the fortress (after a very sketchy bus ride up the mountain; this driver was driving as if he got paid by the scream) we found out that it was pretty much some stairs and a gate. We decided since we at least survived the death ride up, we should at least hike up the mountain. Well we got to a high point and carrumed off past a roped off area. What a huge decision that was! We got up to the top where there were these massive rocks and when we climbed on top of them we could see all of Busan. That is no small feat let me tell you, Busan is HUGE! It looked as if we were staring at a huge Lego Town there were so many huge buildings.

Anyway, it was cool and I hope I get the opportunity to share cool moments like that with you on a regular basis. It all depends on if I can figure out this whole computer dealie.



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