Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Birth Day in Korea

So I just spent my first birthday away from my friends and family here in Korea. Although it could never be as good as it would have been back home, I actually had a really good time with my Cheonan friends.

The day started off really early as I had a 7am class to teach a half an hour away from my apartment...Ouch! I taught the class (6 businessmen that work at an automotive plant) and then headed back home. I got to work and was immediately greeted by my kindergarten students who wished me a happy birthday and gave me presents. Hells Yeah! I got 2 pairs of socks, a Kelly Hrudey-esque bandana, and some face towels. Then at lunch I had a pizza party with my students. After lunch I got a birthday cake and song from the Korean teachers at my school.

In the afternoon I got more presents and another cake from my elementary students. I never thought I could have too much cake but its possible I did that day. After work I went out for Sam-Yup-Sal (barbecued back bacon) and some Soju (IE> Death Juice) and beer. After that I went to Outback Steakhouse with about 10 loyal and awesome friends from Cheonan. We followed that up with a trip to MBar for some more beer and Soju.

All in all, it was about as good as a birthday can get when the best of friends are a million miles away. It also helped that so many people from back home sent me birthday wishes via email and Skype. I don't care what some people say, it is always nice when people make a fuss over your birthday. I guess now I have to wait a whole nother year for my next birthday...


Blogger iris said...

Hey Ron! Happy Belated Birthday!! I am glad to hear you had a good one.

11:43 AM


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