Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I Heart Thailand

I don't even know how to start this entry...or how to write it so that it doesn't end up being a million words long...

Ok, first of all Thailand is the nicest/coolest/cheapest/most beautiful place I've ever been. Let's get that straight right off the bat. This past week has definitely been one of my favorite of my whole life. Listen to me going on like a school girl!

Now for the details of my adventures. Do I do them in chronological order? Do I just tell you about my favorite activities? I'm so confused right now!

OK, our tale begins on a bit of a sour note. Vanessa (my friend that I went to Thailand with) and I had to go to Seoul to get her a camera for the trip and then onto Incheon where the airport is. When we got to the airport we had to find a place to stay for the night as our flight was uber-early the next day. We located some taxis and they told us 30$ for a ride to a hotel. This is crap because no taxi costs more than 10$ in Korea (one of the perks of Korea). So we decided to walk a bit to find a cab that wouldn't try to screw us. The cabbies in Incheon apparently work within a network because the cabbies just kept following us and spoke to the other cabbies in Korean who then asked for 30$. We finally found a guy who claimned to be a "nice guy". We jumped in a cab and he took us literally across the street and asked for 20$.

We vowed not to let this be a sour note on what we were sure would turn out to be an epic week. In fact, by the time we woke up the next day we felt refreshed and ready to take on Thailand. The flight was kind of brutal...6 hours wait until paradise. But when we finally got to Bangkok, felt totally revitalised. We got off the plane and the first thing we saw outside was a huge Christmas tree about 100 feet tall. Being that it was Christmas Eve it was a nice surprise.

We took an airport shuttle to Khoa San Road which is the total touristy back-packer area in Bangkok. Since we hadn't booke any hotels for the whole trip we had to lug around our stuff looking for a place to stay for the night. We finally found a place just off the strip for 700 Baht a night. That's like 20$ Canadian and that is standard in Bangkok. For future reference it is ab out 35 Baht to one Canadian dollar. After we got a little cleaned up a little, we went for a couple of beers and some food. Total bill: maybe 10$. Are you getting the idea here? Thailand is ridiculously cheap!

Later that night, we were to meet up with some friends at this place called BedSupper Club which is supposed to be very famous. We jumped in a TuckTuck (like a little open Motorbike Cab with a canopy) and asked to go to the club. After stopping at 2 or 3 brothels, the cabbie finally got the clue that we didn't want a whore and took us to a night market where this club was supposed to be. After being asked bout 30 times wether we wanted to see a ping-pong show, we figured we shoulsd ask someone where the hell we were. We found an older dude and asked him if he knew where the club was. He just laughed and said we were on the wrong side of the city...Sweet! He told us exactly how to get there and we jumped in a taxi and we were off.

When we finally got to the club, we were surprised to find out that it cost more to get to get 1 person into the club than a night's stay at our hotel. We paid the cover eager to see the our friends in the club. We never did see them, but we did have a really cool time at the club. One side was a dance floor and the other side was purs white and laden with bed style benches with a huge arch in the middle. It was super chill and we spent about an hour just chillin on the beds.

That's pretty much it for the first day in Thailand. I feel that I need to halt this entry here, for the mark of a good writer is to keep your audience wanting more. That and my hands are cramped from all of the writing.

Tommorow's blog enry: Christmas Day in Bangkok!

Ronnie Out


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