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Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

Seeing as there are as many Westerners in Korea as there are in Western society, someone in Seoul thought it would be a good idea to have a huge St. Patrick's Day party. I applaud that person because I went to a Hooley last night that was unreal. The party was in the Westin Chosun right by City Hall in Seoul and it was simply massive. The party was in an Irish Pub in the basement called O'Kims (funny right?) and this place was more like an Irish Emporium. I mean I didn't thin k they could fit a bar that big in the basement of a hotel (for some of the kids back home, let's say it was slightly bigger than the Rendez-Vous).

There were about 10 of us from Cheonan that went to this little shindig and we ended up seeing other people from Korea that we knew and ended up meeting other foreigners from as far as Busan (5 1/2 hours away). They had all you can drink Guiness and all you can eat food. While the Guiness wasn't as good as some of the Guiness you get back home in the Irish Pubs, it was definitely better than Korean beer and put simply, the best drinking I have had in Korea thus far. I did'nt always enjoy Guiness, but after living with Ido he really taught me to appreciate a good meal of the stuff.

So we got there at 7pm and the place was packed! They definitely oversold the place. It took us 20 minutes to get our first Guiness. It got a little better once everyone got their first beer, but there were still huge lineups to get beer almost every time. All in all, I still drank and ate my moneys worth and I had an ab fab time. Although I have just woken up with a huge draught beer hangover.


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