Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Graduation Day

Earlier this week, my kindergarten kids had their Graduation Day. What does this mean to me? It means that I will have new students next week and it also means that I may never see some of my students again.

It was pretty sad day for me considering I spent the last 6 months caring for these little people. We spent 5 hours a day together, me teaching them English, and them teaching me that kids can be a lot smarter and a lot cooler than peole give them credit for.

So the ceremony was nice and afterwards I got to talk to some of the parents. They were really happy for theirs sons and daughters and they thanked me so much for taking care of their kids. Then came the time to say goodbye, and I'll tell you I got a little choked up. When I thought of all the things that would make it hard for me to leave Korea, I never thought that missing my students would be near the top of the list.

So now I will have 5 months to mold and shape 10 new 6 year old Korean students. I am looking forward to getting to know these new students, but I'm not looking forward to having to say goodbye to them when I leave Korea.

P.S. I hate Kevin Lowe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second Shadi's motion... I would die if Souray came to E-Town.

Congrats on the rugrats grad.. thats fantastic, and I'm sure the new class will be just as memorable.

Well Ronnie.. I know I've been awful at returning e-mails, but I'm officially in my flat in Edinburgh now, been in the UK for roughly a month.

I'll e-mail you the link to my flickr site & stuff... (plus I finally have my Skype dealio set up..)

speak soon.. xx

3:34 AM

Blogger iris said...

As you know, I am not one to have an opinion. I hate them and try to avoid them. HOWEVER, I do have one on the Smyth thing.

I HATE RYAN SMYTH. He has turned a great majority of people against Mr. Lowe. And why? Because he is a greedy athelete who wanted more money. When you are talking millions of dollars, a couple hundred grand is not a huge hit.

AND THEN, he is playing it all up for the cameras. Crying on the cover of the local papers, making him the martyr.

I have to give it to good ol' Ryan though. That was some well executed PR at the airport.

10:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, it was Ryan Smith who was whining that he couldn't send his kids to private school on the measley $50,000 a month he was getting when they were on strike. Money means more to him then Edmonton fans.

4:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW - you look really proud of your kids and I'm sure they're going to miss you as much as you miss them.

4:58 PM


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