Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Let's Catch Up!

I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything on my blogspot, but there's a perfectly good reason for that; I am lazy!!! The truth of the matter is that I really hate typing. I have neither the skill nor the patience to ever finish an entry in one shot. The only reason I do it is to keep entertaining the notion that I have people back home who need to read this blog to know what's going on with my life over here. So here is what's been going on since my last entry:

I got sick

I went to Seoul to party

I got sicker

I went to Ulsan to sight-see and almost got into a fight with some townies

I went dancing in the only dance club in Cheonan which also happens to be 50 feet from my apartment

I got even sicker

I am now currently sick and tired of being sick and tired. So now, you guys are all caught up on how my life is going here. But not to despair, as soon as this month long illness subsides, I will make sure to go on some epic adventures and I will also make sure to write detailed entries about each one of them. Pray for Ronnie

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Let's Face it together!

So I am now officially an internet dork. I caved in and became someone's friend on Facebook. For those of you who aren't familiar with Facebook, it's a page where you can put some photos and info about yourself but you can also send messages to other friends on Facebook. The added bonus is that you can check out your friends' friends and ask them to be your friend. Then you can start adding their friends, and so on and so on. In the end it is really just a race to see if you can get more people to be your friends than anybody else in your network. So really it just emulates the real-life race to get more friends than the next schmuck.

So the peverted part of my tale is that I am pretty addicted to Facebook. I have chatted with tons of people that I haven't spoken to in years. There is a girl that I dated when I was 19, there's a dude that I worked with 6 or 7 years ago and tons of people from all over the world that I haven't spoken to in years. They are all now my friends!!!!! In fact I am operating on Facebook on a Level 4 Friends Count.

All joking aside, I do actually like chatting with these people that I never thought I would hear from again. I like looking at photos of my friends that I wouldn't otherwise see. I like seeing the six-degrees of seperation that is this world. So next time you're on Facebook look me up. I might just add you to my friends list.