Follow me as I journey through the great unknown that is Korea.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Reunion #2

Erin and Matt came for a visit to Cheonan this weeked in the spirit of our promised monthly reunions. Last month, we turned Daegu upside down for a weekend, and this month it was Cheonan's turn to feel our wrath.

Erin dialed me up at about 12 o'clock on Friday night and informed me that they were about an hour and a half away from arriving on the scene and, oh yeah... Matt had just happened to puke on some random Korean. It turned out later to be false, but it put me in a good mood and set the tone for what was to be a fairly messy couple of days.

They both strolled into my neck of the woods at about 1:30am ready to terrorize my neighborhood. We slipped back to my place to drop off some stuff and for me to lose all of my chips at poker and we were out the door. First stop; Luxury bar to meet my roommate John and some other friends. Seeing as though Erin and Matt wanted to shake their money makers, we did not stay long. It also happened to be my friend Jaime's b-day, so we slipped over to Mbar ( a foreigner bar mostly) with hopes of breaking some hearts on the dance floor. Well, the problem was that the DJ was into his own thing and would't play any good dance music. So we did what any good foreigner would in Korea: we went to the NoreyBang (Karaoke). It turned out to be a great move as we met up with about 10 of my friends and smoothly belted out wicked lyrics until 7am. We then went back to my place and passed out along with my buddy Kyle from Ansong and my Korean buddy Nam. It was like a huge slumber party (we might have had a pillow fight in our underwear).

Day 2: We peeled ourselves out of bed and went for some brunch. I walked around with Matt and Erin for about an hour before we decided on a place right about where we started out. I won't lie to you; it was awesome! We were so full from our brunch that we decided to go back to my place for a little siesta. We returned to my villa at around 2:30pm and napped until about 5pm. We then spent the next 2 hours "getting ready" ie. trying to drum up enough energy to get from my couch 2 feet to my bathroom for a shower. Right before we went out I had a brilliant idea; some Pump-Up music before we left.

We started off the night with some bulgogi and some traditional Korean Rice Wine. It was succulent to say the least. Then we went back downtown for some Makkali (like Rice Wine and Yogurt together, delicious and 3 bucks for a kettle). Then the penultimate; Bubbi Bubbi (pronounced Booby Booby) a nightclub right down the street from my place. All I have to say is that they have a swing on the dance floor. We ripped it up with some girls and some Korean B-Boys until about 4am. Of course we had the munchies by then and decided to go for brisket soup at 5 in the morning. We ate, we slurred, we crashed!

On Sunday we woke up at around noon and did the same song and dance trying to get everyone showered. I think it was around 2am before we got the day started. We decided to go for a nice sit down meal just the four of us; Matt, Erin, Erin, and I. That's right, we had back-to-back Erins. We decided to dine at T.G.I.F. because well... it's always Friady around there. We figured we'd splurge because it was like our Christmas dinner. 2 bottles of wine, an appetizer, the most expensive meals on the menu, deserts and coffee and I spent more on that 1 meal than I do in a whole week of life in Cheonan. Well worth it though, I laughed my ass off at some of the stuff that came out of our once hungover twice drunk mouths.

We finished off the meal, paid our tab, and made the lonely walk back to my place knowing that we would soon part ways. I said goodbye to Matt and Erin and we made plans to kick it house party style in Busan next month. I can't wait!



Blogger Matt said...

How many absolutely senseless toasts did we do while smashed off red wine at TGIF???
My abbs still hurt from the continous laughter...

12:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love life and the both of you...
and christmas dinner
and laughing so hard
and the KTX
and boobies

...and i CLEARLY love b boys and am SO HAPPY you gave them shout-outs in your blog (because they make MY dancing world turn).

5:03 AM


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